



業餘球手由於缺乏訓練,難有名師指路,球技的確難以提高。其實,水手與高手的差別,除技術外,更重要的是存在一些帶根本性的非技術問題。不少初學者往往覺 得練球時打得不錯,還可以連擊幾十下不失誤,但比賽時卻失誤頻頻,被動挨打,原因就在此處。作者根據自身的心得,把這些問題作了歸納整理,大致有以下10 個方面。如果能夠在與球友切磋中注意解決這些問題,就算沒有高人指點,也可以成為高手。













一.   握拍

握拍方法不正確是初學者最普遍的毛病. 不正確的握拍法會對某些擊球法做成妨礙, 手腕用得不正當, 最終會影響你的技術水平. 我建議開始的時候就用正常的握拍法
. 不要戳 - 要打

另一個乒乓球新手的毛病是想把球戳引過綱到另一邊的桌上, 而並不是把球擊過去. 這種現象在新手此賽的時候通常發生. 他們生怕出錯, 所以想引球, 而不是像平常練習樣擊球. 當你想引球的時候, 你就沒有機會打一個好球回去. 球要輕鬆地打!


三.  服從速限

戳引的反面就是擊球用力過度. 結果卻是一樣 - 錯誤百出! 請記著每一種擊球法, 都有一個時速的限制, 不然的話, 你的球不會落在另一邊的桌面上. 不要太用力, 也不要太輕, 要恰到好處.

. 要移動, 不然就失分

有些新手討厭移動他們的腳 - 他們只會向四週伸展球拍和斜頃身體來打球, 其實他們只要稍為移動腳步就可以有更好的位置來打這個球. 然後當伸手不及的時候, 他們才會移動腳步, 但通常是過猶不及, 變成離球太近而伸展不開. 所以不要害怕移動你的腳, 不管是向球或是離球, 主要的是移動到一個擊球最適當的位子.

. 向人請教

我常看到很多來到球會打球的球友, 有很多在家裏養成不好的打球習慣. 他們需要很多的時間去改掉這些陋習. 我的忠告是 - 就算你只想在家打球自娛, 請一位教練給你和家人上一兩課基本擊球術, 會替你將來想認真打球的時候省掉很多時間.

. 意見太多

乒乓球友大多都很友善, 你可以保證假如你是新手的話, 你會得到很多熱情的建議. 請記著要用你的常識來判斷 - 因為並不是每一個建議都是適合你的. 而且你常會聽到對立的意見! 所以當你聽到這些建議, 在你想來是不合理的話, 你可以不理它們.

. 買太多球拍

當用過一些便宜的球拍之後, 很多新手到球會裹看到高手們的技術和他們的球拍, 他們就去買那些發力最快, 而且昂貴的球拍, 然後發現這些球拍對他們跟本不適用. 所以在你要買第一個認真要用的球拍的時候, 最好向教練或是比較有經驗的球友請教該用什麼樣的球拍 - 通常, 一個全面型的板子和傳統的膠皮就夠了.

. 堅持用你的球拍

很多新手見識到特定的球拍以後, 忽然對它們就好像和不同的異性朋友約會一樣 - 不停的換板子和膠皮, 就好像如果今天不換, 明天就是世界末日, 再也沒有時間一樣. 千萬不要這樣作 - 當你有了第一塊認真的球拍以後 (接受好的建議後去買的), 最少要用它四個到六個月才開始去找新的球拍. 那時你大概只需要用你原來球拍的新一點的版形, 你用這個新版又可以多用四個到六個月了.

. 知道規則

在家理, 你可以自定規則 - 假如你要的話, 球撞到花盤後再打到桌面可以算兩分! 但是一旦你到球會和參加比賽的時候, 你就要熟悉乒乓球的法定規則, 才不會出現令你困窘失分的場面, 只因你摭擋了一個絕隹的發球而讓裁判斷定你有過失.


     乒乓球是一種易學不易精的運動. 很多球手都以為打球一兩年以後就可以成為高手. 請你相信我, 這不會發生在你身上! 乒乓球是一項+分複雜的運動, 需要集中注意力, 充沛的體能, 高度技術和維持. 從好的方面來著想, 你可以打球打到八+多歲 - 所以放輕鬆一點, 享受這個運動, 然後你自然就會有進步. 你有的是時間




As a coach and player of many years, there are certain common errors that I see repeated many times by players new to the sport of ping-pong. On the basis that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, I've put together my list of the 10 most common mistakes made by new table tennis players. Read on and make sure that you are not falling victim to these ping-pong pitfalls.

1. Getting a Grip
Gripping the paddle incorrectly is one of the most common mistakes made by beginners. A poor grip can hinder your ability to play certain strokes, use your wrist properly, and ultimately limit your playing standard. I'd recommend s***ing and sticking with one of the conventional ping-pong grips.
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2. Don't Poke it - Stroke it
Another mistake made by table tennis newbies is trying to guide the ball over the net and onto the table, instead of stroking the ball. This tends to happen when new players first begin to compete. They get worried about making mistakes, and try to steer the ball, instead of hitting the ball just like they do in practice. When you try to guide the ball, you are not giving yourself the best chance to make a good return. Just relax and hit it!

3. Obey the Speed Limits
The flip side of guiding the ball is when new players try to whack the ball way too hard. The result is the same though - you'll make lots of mistakes! Remember that for each stroke, there is a maximum amount of speed that you can use, or else the ball won't land on the other side of the table. Just like Goldilocks, don't hit too hard, or too soft, but just right.

4. Move it or Lose it
Some new players seem to hate moving their feet - so they stretch and lean all over the place, when a small step in the right direction would allow them to play their best stroke more often. Then, when the ball is out of reach, these players finally move their feet, but often move too far, ending up way too close to the ball and cramping their stroke. So don't be afraid to move your feet - but the idea is to move towards or away from the ball, so you can hit it at your best range.

5. Get Some Help
Time and time again I see players come to the clubs at which I play, with bad habits they have developed while playing at home. Then these players have to spend many hours getting rid of these bad habits in order to improve. Take it from me - even if you are only planning to play for fun at home, a lesson or two for the family from a table tennis coach will help you learn the basic strokes, and can save you a lot of time later on if you decide to get serious.

6. Getting Too Much Help
Ping-pong players are a pretty friendly lot, so you can guarantee that if you are a new player, you'll get plenty of advice from your fellow enthusiasts. But remember to use your own common sense as well when listening to advice - not every nugget of wisdom you hear will suit the way you play. And you'll get conflicting advice fairly often too! So remember to listen to the tip, think about what you have been told, and if you don't think it makes sense for you, feel free to ignore it.

7. Buying Too Much Bat
After using a cheap pre-made bat to begin with, many beginners then go to a club, and see what advanced players can do to a table tennis ball with their custom made rackets. Then the newbies go out and buy the fastest, most expensive paddle they can get, and find that they can't use it! Before buying your first serious paddle, get some advice from a coach or experienced player as to what sort of bat you should s*** with - an allround blade with classic rubbers should do the trick.

8. Stick With Your Bat
Many new players, just introduced to the world of custom made paddles, suddenly treat it like the dating game - they try many new rubbers and blades, mixing and matching like there is no tomorrow. Don't do this - once you have got your first serious paddle (after getting some good advice on what to buy), stick with it for at least 4-6 months before looking for something new. By that time, you'll probably just need some newer versions of your rubbers, and you'll be good for another 4-6 months.

9. Know the Rules
At home, you can play any rules you like - bouncing the ball off the pot plants and onto the table can count for double points if you want! But once you go to the clubs and competitions, make sure you are familiar with the official rules of ping-pong/ table tennis, so that you avoid any nasty surprises when your killer serve is called a fault by the umpire, because your opponent can't see it!

10. Be Patient
Table tennis is a game that is very easy to play but incredibly difficult to master. Many new players expect to play like experts after just a year or two. Trust me on this - it is not going to happen to you! Ping-pong is a very complex sport, requiring concentration, fitness, skill and perserverance. On the plus side, you can still be playing table tennis well into your eighties - so relax, enjoy the sport, and the improvement will come. Time is on your side - trust me!





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